Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Early Age Spay/Neuter
and the benefits accompanying this procedure.
It is our goal to disassemble the silly unsubstantiated myths of 'one litter is beneficial to the female' or 'male dogs need to breed' 'the dog will become fat and lazy once altered' or ''it's unnatural''.

Early-age spaying/neutering is being performed more and more frequently and the range of benefits provided for both animals and people is great. Research has shown that it is safe to spay and neuter kittens and puppies at a much younger age than veterinarians once thought.
Many veterinarians are now safely and routinely performing spay and neuter surgery on kittens and puppies at eight weeks of age. The low body fat makes these surgeries easier to accomplish and puppies and kittens tolerate the procedures very well and recover more quickly than do older animals. Some veterinarians use the "two-pound" guideline. As long as a puppy or kitten is healthy and weighs at least two pounds, they may be spayed or neutered safely. During these surgeries, young animals need to be carefully monitored just as older animals do when it comes to anesthesia.
What is spay/neuter?
Spaying/neutering are safe, inexpensive and permanent procedures that not only prevent accidental breeding but also reduce potential behavioral and health problems. A female cat does not have to go through a heat cycle before being spayed. In fact, multiple heat cycles increase her chances of developing mammary cancer. In males, neutering reduces the risk of testicular cancer and enlargement of the prostate and related infections.
Many animals adopted from shelters are young in age. Studies have shown that if these animals are not spayed/neutered before going into their new homes, the surgery will never be done and these animals then produce more unwanted pets. When these procedures of spaying/neutering are performed early, the chance for unwanted litters is eliminated. These animals are not going to contribute to the surplus pet population of tomorrow.
There is little scientific information to back up the current standard age of six to eight months for spaying/neutering. This figure seems to have been chosen quite arbitrarily and followed down through the years without question. Today, we recognize the safety and many benefits of early-age spay/neuter.
Helps to control pet overpopulation - less homeless offspring - Decreased killing of healthy animals
Decreases the rate of animals returned to shelter
Improves animal's adoptability
Improved health care of pets  - pets live 5-7 years longer if altered at 6 months or earlier
Surgery less stressful/quick recovery for younger animals
Early spay/neuter can be done in conjunction with other surgeries
Spayed and neutered pets are less aggressive, less likely to roam, less likely to fight and therefore less likely to contract contagious diseases lives a much healthier life, less likely to bite or fight
But remember, it is never too late to spay or neuter your pet. Talk with your veterinarian. Even older animals benefit from these procedures.

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