Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I begin EVERY presentation like this.  Yes, it's strong, but with divorce running free, allowing the children to learn things at an inappropriate age, the video games the kids play today and the terrorism they've been introduced to, it is not more than they can handle.  From this point on, though, the presentation is much more positive and  lighter mood, petting dogs and presenting various ways to make sure that the students understand that they need to learn how to make the responsible decisions: the pets you have in your care remain in your care and receive all that they need - not just given what you think they should have .  A huge difference.

Hi, everyone,

Today we are going to talk about our pets and how we can help you to improve your ways and means of providing for them.  Let's begin with this puppy.  Isn't he cute?  Did you know we are going to kill this puppy today?  Yes, we kill puppies like this and as many as one thousand others each and every hour of the day - 365 days a year here in the US!!!   *wait for gasps*
  WHY?  Because adults still haven't been able to educate themselves on how to prevent this.  We believe you are smart enough to do just that.

Now, if you think that killing these dogs and cats every day of the year is wrong and you want to learn just how easy it is to put a stop to this nonsense, then you MUST pay attention and listen closely for the next    45 min and you can walk away from this presentation with the pride that you are more informed and compassionate than many of your parents.

Let's just assume for a moment that you are sitting with your pet at your side.    Look around at the room you are in.  You and your pet have plenty of room, right?  OK.  Now, lets assume that your pet has NOT been altered and has a littler of 7 babies.  There is still plenty of space in your room for you and your pet and the 7 babies, isn't there?  Likely enough food for everyone to be well fed, also.  And aren't the little babies cute!!!

hold up photo

Now, 6 months down the road,  all 7 of the babies are grown and THEY all have litters of 7 babies and your original pet is still not spayed or neutered so she also has another litter.  Now, right there in that very room you are in, you have 49 babies, plus 8 adults and yourself.  Getting a little crowded isn't it. Not to mention finding food for all of your little friends now, too.  Don''t forget cleaning up all their little messes, too.

OK, now in just one year from now,  you can expect this to happen AGAIN.  But this tine you have 49 litters of 7 babies each. That is 343 little babies to share your room with and find enough food for.  But wait. That is not all.  the 8 adults have all had ONE MORE LITTER OF 7 babies, too.  This adds 56 babies to the 343 = 399 pets you have to feed and shelter and all in the room you are sitting in.  And this is just one year from now.

In just seven years, one fertile intact dog or cat can be responsible for 50,000 - 60,000 offspring or babies.  There isn't' enough room in your room for that, now is there.  You couldn't even handle that many in your whole house or in all of your neighborhood.

You must realize that this is what is happening all around the world today with our pets.  We just have way too many of them and not nearly enough good homes, nor enough room or food to take care of them.  The only responsible thing to do with them is to kill them in a 'humane' or compassionate means - this is a shot that gently puts them to sleep and they just never wake up.  However you look at this it is killing them.    Healthy, young, loving animals that were only brought into this world in the first place because some adults refuse to have their pets spayed or neutered.  Their excuse, which is poor, at best, is that it's just not natural.  Do they really believe that?  Do they think what we are doing NOW IS NATURAL?

It is a decision that is made every day.  It is a problem that can stop. It can be corrected.  when you become an adult, you need to make better decisions than your parents have made  and do the right thing. 

Unfortunately, the unnecessary killing of dogs and cats who are otherwise happy and healthy and adoptable, takes place in every dog pound, animal shelter and humane society in the country every day.  It costs a lot of money to do this.  It makes the life that was granted us become less compassionate and takes the lives given to these animals and snuffs it out way too soon.

If you think for a minute that taking your pet dog or cat to the local    dog pound or so called ''Humane Society'' is going to find it another home, IT WILL NOT!!!!!  They only have 100 cages.  Each day they get 80 new dogs and cats.  So, they are forced to kill at least 80 of them each and every day whether they are good, bad, sick, old, aggressive or even puppies.  Not enough people go there to adopt.  More importantly, if you think you can find 'good' homes for these animals,by placing ads in the paper, that can even bring them more pain and suffering because so many people out there want to sell them to a dog  fighting ring (explain what ''bait'' is) or sell them to a research lab so they spend the rest of their lives hooked up to electric wires and get shocked every hour till they die.

This is just a perfect lesson of responsibility for young people your age.   You do love your pets.  Sometimes you don't' want to take the time to walk it or play with it, or clean up the yard after it, but that is part of life.  THERE IS ALWAYS going to be something you don't want to do, but you have to do it. So, as much as you may view your pet as being a burden occasionally, just remember that the pet will LOVE and ADORE you every moment of his or her life.  It's sad that they don't live as long as we do, but it's pretty clear why.  They already know how to give unconditional love.  Something that takes us humans 7 times longer to learn.  So, if we listen to their voices and try to understand their desires and needs,  it will make us better people and add new meaning to the phrase 'Man's Best Friend".

YOU CAN STOP THIS UNNECESSARY KILLING!!!!!. All it takes is making a responsible decision to do the right thing.

These animals are DYING for you to make the responsible decision.

Topics for discussion:

Begin your program here - remembering to hit on some very important points.

Dogs and cats can help lower your blood pressure, sniff you for epileptic seisures before they happen, guide the blind, alert their humans who are hearing impaired that someone is at the door or the phone is ringing, locate survivors after tragedies, improve the learning curves of those with autism and will be the BEST friend you'll ever have in your life.  They will love you unconditionally, protect you from harm, calm anxiety of pregnant women, help to build stronger immune systems in young children when kept inside the home at night and help build a more responsible young personality in your children. 

Yet we ignore their needs and wants from our own ignorance. When they act out to get our attention, we loose patience and dump them at the pound in the most callous of ways when they become a burden and then, they die.

An easy way to get your dog to do right doesn't always include training, but ALWAYS includes giving the dog all of what it needs instead of just what you want it to have or do. The gap between the two is monumental. Learn to distinguish the difference and you'll always have good dogs at your side and a good woman beside you for life.

* Importance of spaying and neutering before the age of 6 months.  No leg lifting,less likely to  run away, to bite, fight and contract testicular or vaginal cancer. Plus they won't have unwanted litters.

* The importance of proper ID on all pets i.e. July 4, Halloween, natural disaster, etc.

* The links between animal abuse at a young age and future criminal behavior and committing much greater crimes.

*Spend time discussing the benefits of community service involvement. ''DO NOT STAND IDLY BY AND ALLOW YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS OR NEIGHBORS TO ABUSE, NEGLECT OR HAVE LITTERS OF PUPPIES AND KITTENS. Then discuss with them what they feel is abuse and neglect and make sure you fill in the blanks from what they have failed to mention.  Tying up on a short chain, not having proper vet care for ailments and injuries,  striking the young pet in an attempt to train them.

* The absolute EVIL and irresponsibility of having even one litter of puppies or kittens.  Put it into a business prospective.  If your company made widgets and every year for the past 50 yrs you've had an end  of year surplus of 8 million or more,  a business who plans to be successful and stay in business will stop making widgets next year,  Then they will review a viable plan to prevent this overage from ever happening again.

*The 'do's and don't' of having to part with a pet. First of all, you NEVER get a pet unless you are the owner of the property at which you reside.  Landlords are notorious for  deciding that they no longer want pets in the home you rent.  Boyfriends will decide they don't like your little cat and try to force you to get rid of it.  Be settled and stable before getting one. 

If you must part with your pet, do NOT take it to the dog pound. They will kill it the same day.  Do NOT put an ad on Craigslist for free dog or free cat.  Find a rescue org that will take it until it finds another forever and loving home.

The benefits of having your dog sleep inside the home at night. ( read up on this. There is NO reason to leave a dog outside at night and EVERY reason to bring it inside. Ignorance is the only difference from one home to the other. "If I'm a bad guy and want inside your home, I can slowly become friendly with it to gain it''s trust,  coax it out the gate and close it behind me - leaving it out and unable to help your family or poison the barking dog . If the same home and occupants has a dog INSIDE the home,  there isn't a robber or criminal in the world that's gonna try to come through that back door to do harm or take things not belonging to him.  Plus inside dogs are happier, healthier, cost less in vet bills, less likely to bite a visitor or fight with another dog while on a walk, help young kids learn to read, calm nerves of a pregnant woman, build self esteem in young people.   The 'outside' dog isn't the alarm you are told it is, it annoys the neighbors and if tied up on a chain for life, is literally being abused.

Benefits of starting with an adult dog from the pound and then getting a puppy at a later date since the BEST homes will have two dogs.  The adult dogs already house broken, leash trained or past their digging and chewing stages.  Then if you wish for a second dog, it can be a puppy that will quickly learn from the adult and keep each other company.



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