Sunday, June 30, 2013


From the moment that President John F. Kennedy announced his vision for an American Space Program, it was only 8 years later that the USA successfully landed a man on the moon.

This week, the Supreme Court shot down the Defense of Marriage Act - opening the door for same sex couples to legally wed and enjoy the exact same benefits of all marriages before them.  Keep in mind that the Justices of the Supreme Court actually scoffed and joked about this very issue in 2003, stating that the Supreme Court of America would never ever be asked to hear a case on this issue because at that time, only 18% of Americans favored gay marriages.  Here we are just ten years later and they've heard and subsequently ruled in favor of them having the ability to legally marry - anything other than, would be blatant and outright discrimination against gays - a violation of our constitution.

I bring this up ONLY to show that America surely has the marketing prowess to change the world and, with a simple and direct campaign, can literally sway the behavior and opinions of the majority of our citizens in a short but rather reasonable period of time.

Knowing this, I'm bewildered to think that so many Americans claim to love their dogs and cats but nobody is even trying to get a viable and substantive campaign for humane education for our future decision makers.  It's easier to build an army of young people than it is to try and change the mindsets of grown adults.

These problems are ones that are resolvable with a minimal amount of money, some well planned local and regional groups of interested parties that have the intellect to see the benefits for the millions and billions of animals yet to be born.  Because we certainly are never going to 'rescue' our way out of the overpopulation problem.

So, if we had the people and programs and permissions all in place to start today across the country, we could actually experience a drastic and recognizable reduction of unwanted litters, ignorance and apathy towards pets including the growing number of abuse cases in this country.  We could see the changes by 2023.

But, we just don't have the interest of the general public, can't convince the animal rescuers and activists that a program would be viable and still have a good bit of work in the actual curriculum we would present.

Knowing that we 'could' see a noticeable reduction in killings and abuse cases within a decade, is anyone out there that can tell me why nobody anywhere is working on this or why nobody even seems to care?

Fact:  Over 3,000 non profit rescue orgs in America spent an estimated 3 billion man hours rescuing dogs and cats in 2010.  Who knows how much money they actually spent.  Ultimately they were successful in preventing over 92,000 dogs and cats from unnecessary euthanasia.

In spite of their efforts, we still killed between 6 and 8 million dogs and cats across the nation that year.

I just wish people could see that 'rescuing' is much like cleaning up yesterday's mess. I would think intelligent folks would prefer to prevent it from happening in the first place.

If you have ideas or thoughts on this, please let me know so I can then work on countering those fears or apathy. I'm serious and really hope to hear from some of you.

Randy Warner

Thursday, June 20, 2013


"Kids And Dogs"

"The dog was created specially for children. He is the god of frolic."
– Henry Ward Beecher -

Contributing to a pet's care can build a child's self esteem and teach empathy for others.


"What Pets Teach Children"

1)  Love - through caring and feeling appreciation (sometimes indirectly), knowing efforts make a difference.

2)  Pride In A Job Well Done - from accepting and meeting responsibilities.

3)  "Parenting Skills" - by learning what is best fo rthe pet and unselfishly gaining pleasure from knowing the animal feels good, safe and secure.

4)  Understanding - from gaining knowledge and empathy for another life and accepting its differences and limitations.

Raising a child with a companion can be beneficial for the entire family.  Children taught to care for pets learn how to share and deal with responsibilities.  Pets improve a child's ability to relate sensitively to others; through learning their efforts matter, children often become more generous.  Caring for a pet requires understanding of how another life feels;    it teaches children to be empathetic and to look at other's perspectives and not just their own.  As children mature, these relationship skills may assist them in dealing with other people, not just animals.

Parents of pet-bonded youngsters may be reassured knowing their children have at least one true-blue friend in the world to rely on.  During lonely times, when feeling misunderstood or treated unfairly (which is much of the time during adolescence!), it's nice to know children have trusting companions to turn to that won't judge them, criticize their clothes, talk about hem behind their backs, boss them around or reveal any of the their secrets.

"Dogs can help kids feel better about themselves..."

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -- A lick in the face with a big wet tongue can enhance a child's self-esteem and sense of empathy.

That's one of the lessons to be learned from a University of New Mexico doctoral dissertation inspired by a dog named Norton.

Robert Bierer, 34, who got his Ph.D. in family studies from the College of Education this month, says his emotional bond with Norton, his 10-year-old Australian shepherd, helped him decide how to focus his research.

The result: a 138-page dissertation on "The Relationship Between Pet Bonding, Self-Esteem, and Empathy in Preadolescents."

Bierer, a counselor at Whittier Elementary School, studied previous scholarly work in the field of human-animal interactions. His contribution to the field has been to concentrate on a particular animal (dogs) and a particular age group (children 10 to 12).

"People have known for years that dogs are good medicine for children," Bierer said. "What I found is that preadolescent children with pet dogs have significantly higher self-esteem and empathy than children without dogs."

Those higher ratings in self-esteem and empathy hold true whether the dog is "owned" individually by the child or by the entire family.

That is, just having a dog in the house makes a difference, regardless of whether the family is headed by a single parent, the mother works outside the home, or the child has siblings.

"I never expected the results to be as strong as they are," he said.

In a summary of his work, Bierer also notes that "owning the dog earlier or later in the teen years did not have the same impact on sensitivity and emotional development."

"I don't feel comfortable saying that owning a dog earlier or later is not helpful," Bierer said. "It's just that this is when it really makes a big difference. A dog doesn't judge whether you're right or wrong. When you're on your way into adolescence -- which is a challenging time -- having that secure base, that unconditional, nonjudgmental relationship with a dog, is very helpful."

Using questionnaires designed as psychological research tools, he asked fifth-grade boys and girls at three elementary schools about themselves and their pets.

Of the 126 children who answered the questionnaires, 93 had dogs and the rest did not.

Visit Dr. Bierer's website (Dogs + Kids = Higher Self Esteem/Empathy)

"Extracurricular Activities"

To offset more mundane pet-related chores, try to get your child involved in fun dog activities.   Some ideas include pet therapy programs at nursing homes or hospitals;  dog shows for conformation;  obedience or Junior handling competition;  agility classes;  Frisbee or flyball competitions;   breed specific activities such as herding, sledding and earth dog tests;  pet parades; and visits to school for "show and tell".

In your own backyard, children can have backyard dog shows, circuses and plays and performances with the dogs in starring roles and parents as the captive audience.

Always remember, the BIGGEST CHILD/DOG PROBLEMS come from

"Dogs and Children"

A question that is commonly asked by people that about to acquire a
new dog or puppy is, " How are they around children ?" This is
especially true of couples with small children or who plan to have
children in the future. It can also be asked by grandparents who are
about to acquire a dog. There is so much information and perhaps
misinformation that is spread by word of mouth that it is certainly a
valid question one would expect directed to a breeder or someone
like myself (who has two wonderful Chesapeake Bay Retrievers , an
American Cocker Spaniel, and a Jack Russell Terrier).

I cannot recall the number of times people have asked about the
Cocker and my grand-kids, commenting " I have heard that cockers
and kids don't mix well" or " Aren't Chessies too mean to have
around kids?" I have even read comments like this on some of the
canine e-mail lists that I read. Well, in my opinion, having your dog
and kids, or grandkids, get along is not as simple or as easy as
picking the right "breed." I think my philosophy, what I am about to
write about, relates to most breeds. I suppose there are some
breeds that might be better to have around children, but I am not
convinced of that. At least, I don’t think the breed of dog is the only

If one were truly concerned, I believe that asking how the dog is
around children is only part of the question. What also needs to be
asked as well is " How are kids or how will my kids be around dogs?"
And, in the end, the really correct question should be "What do I, as
a parent or grandparent, have to do in order to maximize the
relationship between my kids/grandkids and my dogs?" Not
addressing this question could result in kids getting hurt and,
perhaps, in dogs being blamed unjustly. I realize that there are
individual cases or individual dogs that should not be around kids for
one reason or another. But I am writing about that vast majority of
cases where Fido (the dog) and Rufus and Esmeralda (the kids) can
and should live in harmony.

First of all let me tell you a little about me. I am not an expert at
anything. As a matter of fact, I abhor the label "expert." I am not a
trainer of dogs or a master at dog philosophy. I am a dog owner and I
have had dogs all my life. They have been and always will be my
"best friends" and companions. They lift my spirits when I am down
and brighten my day. They have taught me the true meaning of
acceptance and unconditional love and through them I have learned
that we are intimate with nature and not separate from nature. These
are wonderful lessons and gifts. We also have 5 children, all adults,
and 9 wonderful grandchildren ranging from age 2 yrs to 15 yrs. So
my aim has always been to share the gifts the dogs give me with my
children and my grandkids.

Let me explain what has worked in my family.

First - the Dogs: One of the first things we do when we have gotten
a new dog or puppy into the household is to start touching it. I mean
we give the dogs morning massages, rub their ears, hold onto their
paws, and even give them tugs on their tails. They get their fur
brushed and periodic baths. In addition to getting cleaned and
massaged, etc., the purpose is to get the dogs used to being handled
a lot. When the grandkids eventually come over, they like to handle
and touch the dogs. If a puppy wants to bite he gets a gentle tweak
on the nose, but the main ingredient is lots of attention, all loving.

Probably the most frequent incidents between dogs and children
involve food or a doggie treat or toy of some kind. When kids are
around it is not enough to think that you can prevent an incident by
feeding the dog in a separate room. There almost certainly will be a
time when they will be in the presence of a dog with food. To assume
otherwise is foolish. So, that being said, we handle the dogs’ food in
some fashion. We make sure that any dogs that we have had accept
the fact that we will and do pick up their food dishes when eating.
This is usually before and after eating, while in their presence. This is
on a daily basis to get the dogs used to us being around their food.
We do not encourage the kids to do this! We also have made it a
practice to allow the dogs around the dinner table and feed them
food, usually small bits of meat, and veggies and fruit. This may be
considered a no-no, but I believe it teaches the dog to accept food in
a slow and gentle fashion. The dogs do not beg but have been taught
to wait. When we first start a dog out, we keep only a small amount
of food exposed and if he lunges, he gets a tap on the nose with the
words "slow." I have also lined the dogs up side by side and
spoon-feed them ice cream for example. I say each of their names
and then give them a spoon. This has taught the dogs discipline
around food. Again, I do not do this in the presence of the
children but when they are not around. This training exercise is for
the dogs to learn this discipline around food.

Second - the Kids: The first thing I try to instill in the grandkids is to
respect the dogs. That is, it is okay to pet the dogs and to touch the
dogs. It is not acceptable to hit them, pull on their fur or to harm
them in any way. They are taught that gentleness and kindness is the
key. The kids are encouraged to use the basic commands of "sit"
and "no!" when appropriate. We try to teach the grandkids to mention
the dog’s name before they approach them, especially if the dogs are
sleeping. They learn that they do not surprise a dog. The grandkids
are not allowed to tease the dog, either physically or with food and
are not encouraged to feed them. This is not counter to what I teach
the dogs. I realize there are times when a child will offer something
up and I want the dog to be gentle if that happens, but it is not
encouraged. The adult dogs that we have, especially the Chessies
seem to know the limitations of the children and are remarkably
gentle around them. Food is always a draw though.

The next thing, especially for the older kids, is to respect the power of
the dogs - especially the Chessies, but even the Cocker and the Jack
Russell. Kids have to be taught to understand their limitations in what
they can get the dog to do. This, of course, varies from child to child -
but my 60 lb. granddaughter likes to work with my 90 lb. Chessie. If
she is not in my presence, she is not allowed to put the leash on the
dog and work with him. As she gets older, she will be allowed to work
more and more but if the Chessie doesn't sit for her, she must
realize she doesn't have the strength to make him if he doesn't want

Third - The Parent or Grandparent: Okay, this is the last and most
important part of the equation. The dogs are mine. For dogs and
kids to gel requires a lot of work on our part. I love my dogs and I love
my kids. You need to work on the first two parts... and more. Attitude
is all-important. I don't know how many times I have heard the
statement "If that dog bites, he's outta here" or "never, never never
allow a dog to bite." Well, I think both of those attitudes are
self-defeating and unfair to the dog. Having those attitudes could
actually result in a child getting hurt. They tend to be macho attitudes
and do not acknowledge the fact that an incident can occur with any
dog, no matter how gentle he is. That is - there is ALWAYS the
possibility. Surprise! Protectiveness can trigger an incident where the
dog is immediately sorry but...too late! In many cases if a child is
taught to respect a dog and if the owner is ever vigilant - this scenario
can be prevented. So, in addition to some of the items above, here
are some more things I do or don't do.

I ALWAYS tell and work with the grandkids to keep their faces away
from the dog’s face. To allow it always leaves open the possibility of
an incident even accidental. I don’t mean a dog reaching out and
licking a face. They can do that, but rather I don’t allow a child to put
their face in close in an intimidating fashion. I roughhouse with my
dogs from time to time. But never in the presence of the children
because they like to imitate us and to do so without know the
limitations is dangerous. While I feed the dogs from the table, I do not
do so when the kids are around.

I know what I’ve written about above is not inclusive. Working with the
dogs and with the kids is an everyday task that is incorporated into
my daily life.... so this article will never end! I do not claim these ideas
to be totally unique and that they will work in all situations. If there
would be one statement that I could describe about my philosophy of
dogs and children is this: My children, now adults, were and are still
part of my family. I treat them as such. The same is true of my
grandchildren. It does not take much imagination on my part to
extend that philosophy to my four dogs and three cats. They are not
merely pets - I don’t treat them as just animals. Rather, they are now
part of my family and I treat them accordingly, philosophically, in the
same way I treat my grandchildren. In this way we have all been able
to live in harmony thus far. The most important ingredient in all of this
is the parent/grandparent, dog companion.... Me or You....

Even a nice dog may try to protect himself with a growl and a nip at certain times. Biting is a dog’s natural way of protecting himself. Since dogs sometimes see kids as equals they may try to send them a warning, doggy-style, when things get tense. Here’s how to avoid misunderstandings with your own or
anyone else’s dog.

*** Always ask a dog’s owner if you may pet the dog.  However, statistical evidence shows that the dog owner or guardian is just as surprised when the dog bites.    Children should avoid all contact with all dogs that the parents are not very familiar with.  However, if they must touch the dog, they must know to ask.

There may be a very good reason why a dog should not be touched. He may be “on duty” as a handicapped person’s assistance dog, or he may be injured, ill, or afraid of children.

*** Approach a dog from the front or side.

Hold your hands low and speak softly. Surprising a dog from behind or forcing him into a corner may cause him to snap in fear. Waving hands in the air or screaming may overexcite him, causing him to snap in fear or even in play.

*** Let a dog eat in peace.

If there’s one place a dog may get defensive, it’s at the food dish. Your dog shouldn’t growl when you get near his dish, but you shouldn’t interfere with his eating.

*** Watch out for special toys.

Some dogs have powerful feelings for their balls or chew toys. Never take a bone or toy from a dog’s mouth unless you have trained him to drop it and give it to you first.

· Children should avoid teasing, rough wrestling, or tug-of-war games.

Dogs may get too enthusiastic in these sorts of games and forget you’re not a dog. Fetch, Frisbee, hide and seek, agility courses, and Flyball are better outlets for your dog’s energy.

*** Respect a dog’s space.

Dogs naturally defend their territories. Sticking your hand inside a strange dog’s pen or in a car window where a dog is sitting may put him in a defensive situation and he might bite to protect his territory.

*** Leave fighting dogs alone.

Do not try to break up a dogfight! Most fights end quickly, but it’s a good idea to remain quiet and get an adult who can stop the fight. Trying to separate or yelling at fighting dogs makes them more excited, and they might turn on you.

*** Observe dog body language.

Dogs normally resort to biting only when they think you haven’t listened to their warnings. Watch out for a dog who is barking, growling, or showing his teeth. Beware if his ears are back, legs stiff, tail up, or hair standing up on his back. Slowly walk away and say “No” firmly, arms by your side. Do not scream, stare into his eyes, or run away. If you run, he will chase you and may attack.

*** Tell your friends what you know.

When friends come to your house, introduce them to your dog and explain the house rules. When you’re out, share your knowledge. The more everyone knows about dogs, the better world it will be for dogs and for people.

Thank you to the "The Complete Dog Book For Kids"


    The Odds That a Bite Victim Will Be a Child Are 3.2 to 1.
    Children; Especially Boys Aged 5 to 9 Years, Having the Highest Incidence Rate
    Children seen in emergency departments were more likely than older persons to be bitten on the face, neck, and head.
    77% of injuries to children under 10 years old are facial.
    Severe injuries occur almost exclusively in children less than 10 years of age.
    The majority of dog attacks (61%) happen at home or in a familiar place. The vast majority of biting dogs (77%) belong to the victim's family or a friend. (60%)
    When a child less than 4 years old is the victim, the family dog was the attacker half the time (47%), and the attack almost always happened in the family home (90%).

Always remember, the BIGGEST CHILD/DOG PROBLEMS come from


It's easier to build an informed army of children, than it would be to try and change the minds of crooked adults.  For if you have any ideals, important messages or societal changes, start young and forgo the grownups - as their minds are un-changable.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013




By Mary Ultz  Humane Educator for city of Huntsville, Alabama

As a Paralegal, Animal Control Officer, Law Enforcement Officer, Retailer, Humane Educator, and a number of other things, sometimes I sit in wonderment about B.  Being in Animal Welfare, we feel like that quite often.  I have done many things in my short adult life and I want to ponder and propose in an effort to make people think….So, pardon me if I seem to ramble…

I’ve been front line and reinforcement for animal issues.  I have seen the large national organizations do nothing and I’ve seen single individuals move mountains.  I know that government is being forced to legislate, moderate, and enforce more than ever.  The problem I don’t understand is why any agency (public or private) is willing to create legislation and rules about and for animals, yet they don’t understand the first thing about animals.

Let’s look at legislators for a moment.  It really doesn’t matter if they are federal, state, or local municipalities.  There are laws on the books about dogs and cats across this great Nation.  But, do the people who are writing the laws understand animal behavior?  Some legislators do look to their local animal welfare agency for guidance….but do they know?  Does the local humane society know?  Do the local vets know?  A vet may know how a cat behaves in a stressful situation, but do they know how to write a law to protect that cat?

Humane Societies are helpful, to an extent….they know about the overpopulation problem, and they surely appreciate the stupid reasons people dump their pets, but do they know what an animal control officer faces in the field?  Can an animal control officer adequately convey to the legal department what needs to be included in the actual legislation?  We must all pull together and share our information in order to create good, powerful legislation.  The attorneys can put all the jargon together, but what use is that,  if they don’t know or appreciate the need on the street?

Unfortunately, many animal control officers are without professional training (and they’re not attorneys) so they are usually unable to create the verbiage necessary for such a task.  When creating legislation, animal behavior MUST be considered.  If you’re going to hold a dog responsible for biting a human, should the human bitten also be held responsible? Every weathered animal control officer will agree that the person responsible for the dog should be held responsible!!

Every good and knowledgeable citizen SHOULD feel the same way.  Each case is individual and is cause for investigation.  Each case ought to be examined by someone who understands animal behavior.  If a person tries to take food out of a dog’s mouth, is it unreasonable to expect the animal to allow it? (I’m not talking common sense stuff, my dog would let me and any responsible owner’s dog would accept that)  We’re talking about the people who do not care for or train their dog….the irresponsible pet owner.  If a child trips over a sleeping dog and the dog bites the child, who’s fault is it?  That is normal, typical behavior for a dog!  Where were the child’s parents?

Yes, accidents happen…..should a life be taken because of it?  However, if a child walks by a dog (no food on the kids face, no sleeping dog situations) is it fair to let the dog maul the child while no human is held responsible?  I’m not saying euthanize the dog, I’m saying give the owners choices.

I don’t believe in “3 bites your out” type legislation, but I also don’t think that a truly vicious dog ought to be allowed to terrorize a neighborhood.

Judges are often in this loop of “uneducated” enforcers.  They are not in the street and it’s not their neighbor’s dog that is keeping them up at 4:00 in the morning.  Often times, they have no regard for animals (especially if you live in Rural, USA).  It’s a dog; they have felons to worry about in over flowing jails.  I don’t care what their excuse is….if they are elected Judges, VOTE!!! If they are appointed judges, then talk with the person that appointed them (Often the Governor or Mayor).  HOLD THEIR FEET TO THE FIRE AND MAKE THEM DO THEIR JOB!  Animal laws are just as important as human laws! Violence breeds Violence!

Cops are on the street to protect the public.  Sometimes that protection is from a 400# armed robber, sometimes it’s from a 150# Rottweiler.  They are there to enforce the laws.  It does not matter if that law is a federal law, a state law, or a local ordinance.  They are sworn to uphold and protect.  Educate the police chief and offer to help.  Don’t just sit there and criticize….help them understand.

OK, enough about the public sector….let’s look at some private issues:

Apartment complexes…..all of us know several apartment complexes that do not allow pets.  The complexes that do allow dogs often have a weight limit of, oh, we’ll say 20#.  I can tell you from experience, the average dog weighs in at 55#.  The complex claims that a small dog causes less damage.  Hogwash!  A properly trained dog, no matter what the size, causes no damage! (I’m not talking about during thunderstorms!).  Hold the people responsible, not the dog!  Ok, so a toy poodle will pee less than a Doberman pinscher.  Either way, the carpet is wet and has to be cleaned!  If you have a housetrained dog, that is not an issue anyway!!!  Besides, everyone who has a lick of sense knows that a Great Dane or Greyhound is a much better apartment dog than a Jack Russell Terrier! Heck, even a Saint Bernard would be better than a Rat Terrier….it’s what is inside that counts!  So why do they have the stupid weight limit?  I’ve never understood that!

Here’s another situation that dog owners are facing everywhere TODAY!  Canceled homeowners’ insurance, inability to renew, or flat rejection for coverage.  Why? Because they have a certain “type” of dog.  What type is that, you ask?  BIG!  The insurance black list of dogs is growing each day.  It includes PittBulls (doesn’t matter which type of pitt), Dobermans, Rottweilers, Great Danes, German Shepherds, Dalmatians, Golden Retrievers…wait!  Did I say “Golden Retrievers”? why, they are the “American Family Dog”!  Yes, that is what I said.   Humane responsibility is going down the toilet, everyone wants to blame someone else.  Dogs bite….cats bite….give me the right reason, and I’ll bite too! Don’t hold the dog responsible, hold the people responsible.  If you have a dog and you’re a responsible owner, you will see to it that the dog will not bite (under normal circumstances – I WANT it to bite if someone is coming through my window at 3 a.m.).  Why won’t insurance agencies just make stipulations for coverage?  Basic obedience, sterilization, socialization…..all those things will help teach a dog how to behave in polite society.  It has NOTHING to do with the breed!

So, if you’re still with me, congratulations!!! I hope I haven’t bored you to tears.  Here is my challenge to you:

                        Don’t sit on your butt and complain about all these stupid rules and regulations!  Get off your duff, contact the people who make these statements and educate them!  Help them understand basic animal behavior and why it is in their best interest to consider animal behavior when they are making these laws.  Don’t go in there with a “holier than thou” attitude because you have the answers; approach them with a helping attitude.  By helping the stupid human, you help the dumb animal (dumb, like can’t talk, not dumb as in stupid….I’ve known some really smart dogs! But they still couldn’t talk).

Don’t even get me started on ‘leash laws’, ‘tied up dogs’  so-called ‘’guard dogs’’ that have had no training and couldn’t’ save your ass anyway cause they’re OUTSIDE and penned or tied up – oh I could go on forever.  Ask my husband.

It boils down to making PEOPLE be responsible, not punishing animals because their humans are stupid!

                                                            Uh oh!  Now YOU’RE a humane educator!

“The greatness of a country and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”  M. Gandhi

Mary Ultz

Humane Educator

City of Huntsville, Alabama



Ten reasons will clearly prove that nobody really wants to solve the animal related problems!!

"Like a Non-Profit Enron, the large National Animal Protection Organizations rake in Millions but can show very very little in 25 years'
Today's animal protection efforts have recently come under fire by various media groups and animal protection organizations.  Many within the ranks are confident that most of the problems we work so diligently on, could have and should have  been solved and corrected years ago, but for one problem: Human Beings!  With over 3,000 animal protection organizations in this country,boasting millions of 'members' and logging an estimated 50 billion man hours since 1979, one must wonder .  On this page you will find the top ten reasons why Americans really do not want these issues to see resolve.   After all,  We are Americans. If we honestly wanted this problem to be solved, it would have been by now. No doubt about it.
If anyone has any  honest expectations of actually seeing changes and truly solving some of the basic problems that plague our animal friends, then we must make changes.  We can no longer afford to argue our egos, explain away our failures, defend our agendas and continue to waste billions of dollars to continue fighting a battle with the same ammunitions that have consistently brought defeat in the past. It's no secret, that if unified, the animal protection movement would be the largest lobbying effort in Washington and we would be able to see many changes.

1 - Most Americans do not know much at all about the proper care and treatment necessary for a dog or cat to have the good life they deserve and they refuse to learn. There is no comprehensive educational program to provide reliable information regarding proper care and instinctive habits that surface in our pets' activities.  Most humans misunderstand their pets actions, refuse to 'listen' to them and only provide the same treatment as what they witnessed when growing up. Unfortunately that still holds true today. Their egos seem to win out over compassion and willingness to be educated. No body asks professionals for guidance, rents videos or reads websites to get the proper care for their pets because they refuse to be reminded that they don’t know. The animals suffer.
We can put a man on the moon, place a robotic rover on mars, cure diseases in record time and win wars in under 100 days.  We have the marketing prowess to change human behavior around the world with incredible success, but we can't or won't get together in one movement to clearly inform the masses of the importance of spay and neutering. We have not shown American residents, corporations and local governments that they  will see personal as well as financial benefits by working to solve these issues.  We have not stopped backyard or puppy-mill breeding, stopped dog fighting lowered the level of abuse in our inner city or suburbia neighborhoods. We have not insisted that the courts enforce the laws already on the books. And by no means has this generation been stellar at teaching compassion.

2 - Schools continue to deny offers for humane education - even though most programs are free. And even though it can and will affect each and every person in that building sometime during their lives.
Our nations' schools are so under funded and constantly being driven by test scores, they are rarely welcoming when organizations offer to bring a humane education program into their classes - even though a few states have mandatory humane education laws and many of the humane education programs offered are at no charge to the schools.  These programs have multi-level benefits to all the young people who attend.  When it's brought into the class through the guidance counselor program of character development,   the young people have higher achievement scores, improved attendance rates and frequently adopt a less violent conflict resolution technique which leads to a more compassionate future for everyone.
But, the Animal Foundation in Las Vegas    laughingly  argues that they DO provide Humane Education to their local and area schools and proudly point to the 3 days they had a volunteer at the school for the mentally handicapped last season as proof.   Of course, the educated reader will ask, 'Well what about the rest of the 800,000 students in the district?  Where was your organization the other 230 school days?"  To which they will have no answer.  We don't think they actually gave that any thought, so we dropped the subject.
3 -- This brings us to the Large National Organizations and the fact that most of them are much more interested in raising money, pointing fingers at other national organizations, avoiding the real problems, and use the money to money to pay over-inflated  salaries than to actually educate the public or make a true noticeable difference. But they still know how to 'pat themselves on the back' so they can rake in another $1 billion of your dollars this year. It's practically unheard of for them to work together. They seem much more interested in top billing as opposed to the end results and actual accomplishments. How far along do you think the space program would be today if NASA was actually 7 competitive entities who refused to share their knowledge and combine efforts for a common goal?
We need to point out that  Americans have paid $1 billion in taxes to animal control efforts annually for the past 20 years and subsequently donated an equal amount of nearly $1 billion to their favorite animal protection organizations annually.  With that, you would think that we could proudly say ''See all the problems we've solved" but have we have solved even one thing!  They've made the same promises for 25 years and never kept a single one.  But they can sure take our donations each year with a big smile. Then, blindly, we give again.
Politics,  Agendas,  Egos and  Greed tend to lead to the continuing demise of the seemingly noble efforts.  So my first concern is, knowing all this, why haven't the larger animal organizations taken on a project and SOLVED IT? They have the manpower, the legislative votes and the financial resources to do so. What has become of the more than $40 billion from the past 25 years?   Like a non profit Enron.  Unfortunately, their primary goals are to keep their organization financially strong while ignoring the potential they have to actually do what they've promised their contributors. After all, if they should actually solve one or more of the major problems, they would be forced to downsize, layoff employees and would also be forced to abolish their cute little pictures of dogs and cats behind bars awaiting certain death - 'the money shots' as they are called. They spend the billions of dollars we've given them over the years on over inflated salaries, luxury offices and even allow millions to simply sit in their bank accounts (per their 2002 IRS Tax returns) to collect interest. Yet, they fail to show any results or true nationwide success stories.

4 - Animal controls are notoriously under funded and under educated, yet over worked because of humans who refuse to be responsible and caring. They are caught in the middle.  The citizens want better animal control, but the agency is never properly funded by their supervisory boards.  . Many animal control agencies profit from the animals they kill, but the community doesn't know or won't take proper steps to make the necessary changes. Again, though, the animals suffer.
We, the larger national ANIMAL organizations declare our differences with Randy N. Warner of 21st Century CARES and strongly disagree with his claims that we have failed to resolve any of the animal related issues  were for political reasons.  We are shocked by his allegations and hope that all our loyal supporters recognize the black eye he is giving to the animal movement as a whole.  We assure the public and media that we are here for one reason and one reason only - that is to help the animals and will do any and everything possible to show our determination in the future.*
*Providing of course, that anyone we work with agrees with our agenda and nobody elses, don't try to judge or criticize our self righteous attitudes against all others, that they have had no working relationship with any other animal protection group over the last 2 years, always say nice things about us, don't bring up the nice salaries we make, never mention 'political' in the same sentence as us, are of the same religion as we are, and of course, no republicans are allowed, no language that may offend the Zimbabwe national Forrest rangers, that none of our employees get their feelings hurt since we are the ONLY animal organization that really matters, that all GOOD ideas are made to appear as if they are ours, and all BAD ideas be pinned on other organizations, that the public does NOT find out about the fact we spend 95 cents for every dollar on our private jets, large corporate office buildings and combined annual printing costs of over $250million EACH AND EVERY YEAR just so we can continue to make money  ...(5 additional pages of demands deleted due to space limitations)...... and that nobody in our midst has worked for or purchased products from any of the following companies in the past 40 years.
AT & T
Proctor and Gamble
The Gap
Hickory Farms of Ohio
Ford Motor Company
General Motors
Hartz Mountain
Ralph Lauren
Roto Rooter
Dish Satellite
Brach's Candies
(Remainder of the list of 11, 476 American companies banned by the larger animal protection groups has been deleted for lack of space.)

Nope!!!  No politics here, huh

5 - The city governments around the nation just poo-poo any animal related upgrades or additional funding. But are quick to give themselves substantial pay raises on a regular basis. Much of this comes from simple ignorance as well as greed. They don't even believe in themselves, let alone the residents in the given jurisdictions. They do NOT protect the animals, and have the audacity to  charge volunteer  rescuers money for every little thing - MUCH of it having little or nothing to do with the safety and well being of the animals, but everything to do with trying to prevent rescues from forming and to squeeze as much money out of them as possible if they do.

6 - Rescue groups and individuals around the nation work their butts to the bone, devote most of their lives, spend thousands of their own dollars,  only to waste hours and hours gossiping online to harm other rescuers  or to be back-stabbed by a co-worker, forming modern day witch hunts or be ram-sacked by animal control officers, and, with no appreciation or even respect by the majority of the citizens, become bitter and apathetic. Much too much ego boosting and again, forgetting what their goals actually are too much of the time. They rarely do more than clean up yesterday's mess - almost never considering tomorrow.
While these noble individuals who actually put in all the work get paid nothing - even spend thousands of their own dollars each year on this effort, the bulk of publicity and praise seems to go to the larger national organizations who continue to battle each other for positioning,  the rescue community refuses to organize or develop an agency of their own making to regulate, provide a voice in government and protect the rescuers as well as help the animals. When presented with an opportunity to make a difference, they tend to explode initially, but fail to make a presentation that is affective nor have any follow-through.  In spite of the incredible level of commitment, time, energy and money, they know little about how to accomplish other than placing their rescues.   There for, nothing in regards to organizing, future planning, setting standards and guidelines, having a voice in congress, providing insurance and protection for their rescues is being done -  and it all needs to be done. All the while, they simply assure themselves and the animals that nothing will change for tomorrow because non of them made any arrangements and gave only yesterday and today any thought.

7 - Most courts refuse to uphold the laws that are in place and fail to prosecute those who harm or even kill innocent animals. This, in spite of the facts that we KNOW through research that those who begin early life with abusing animals are much more likely to grow up and continue by committing more severe crimes against humans.  There is no secret our jails are overcrowded today.  However, there is also no secret that the links between animal abuse and more severe criminal activity and violence against humans are well researched and proven.  These acts of violence need to be addressed by the courts to prevent so much violence and criminal behavior in the future.

8 - All mainstream religion refuses to discuss the brutal treatment of the companion animals we all call Man's Best Friend, knowing that abuse, neglect and death happens within each congregation on a regular basis, but it's OK for them to tell us what to eat, who to sleep with and even clear guidelines of what to wear. All this while asking for donations and the animals continue to suffer.   With a local rape case or child molestation, they move mountains to show their compassion.  Knowing that hundreds of animal abuse cases happen in the same area each week, they choose to ignore them.  Maybe we should donate to our places of worship in the names of our pets.  $$$$$

9 - THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA REFUSES TO TELL THE REAL TRUTH BECAUSE IT UPSETS TOO MANY VIEWERS TO HEAR HOW MANY DOGS AND CATS WE KILLED YESTERDAY. You know what? I'll bet all those animals dragged into the little room to be killed yesterday were a little upset, too, and would have gladly sat back and forgiven us if we'd upset some people if only they could have lived another day. Additionally, it is MOST LIKELY those who are causing the problems, that don’t want to be reminded of their repeated mistakes.

10 - Obviously corporations have not been smart enough to recognize the value of their roles in this, nor how they could all benefit by working to correct these problems. The fact is, nobody has been smart enough yet to clearly show the public, local governments and even corporations, how finding solutions to these problems would actually benefit their ‘bottom line’ by paying fewer taxes, charging responsible guardians with acceptable fees, bringing a more compassionate community and work force - all while saving lives.  A MUCH MORE COMPASSIONATE WORLD IN WHICH TO LIVE!  "BROUGHT TO YOU BY XYZ CORP.  A SPONSOR OF HUMANE EDUCATION IN OUR SCHOOLS"

I am more and more convinced that NOBODY truly wants to see these problems of animal abuse and pet overpopulation solved. There are good reasons why. It  pad a large number of egos, supports a substantial number of jobs and would simply take an honest, mature effort of 'sharing' ideas and working 'together' - something the animal protection movement in this country is simply not capable of doing.   Everyone wants an easy fix. The claim that ’’it takes money’’ to get this done is just stupid. If that were true, you would certainly think that we would have reached that dollar amount by now.  Everyone insists on lining their pockets while demanding to do it 'their way' without ever listening to other ideas. But, without at least listening to all the ideas, then how would you know which way is best?

I really hope the public will finally recognize that they need to speak out when they see someone who's mistreating or neglecting their pets.  It is not only their right to report their neighbors and friends for not providing the appropriate care for these creatures, it is their responsibility to do so.  Undoubtedly, our nation must give serious consideration to including a substantive and powerful humane education program in our curriculums very soon. By not doing so, they are literally allowing these poor pets to suffer - even die. Teaching our decision makers of tomorrow that compassion, nor education is really all that important.

Finally everyone also needs to recognize that although the larger animal orgs have a strong and substantial place in our society, we cannot depend on them to solve any problems, as has been proven over the years. Recognizing that all these problems are OURS to solve through becoming more educated and responsible in how we view our companion animals is the only way. We have the ability to make changes WHEN WE WANT TO!!!!!! We just really haven’t wanted to up until now.

When the large organizations can begin working together, the rescue efforts can stop bickering and feeding their own egos, the local governments will be held to the fire when they fail to protect their local animals by upholding the existing laws, the media can finally have a strong and informative story to tell, schools aren’t afraid of a one hour program for fear of affecting their almighty test scores and corporations can finally see that solutions actually offer additional $$ to their bottom line, we may begin to see improvements - even solutions. It’s called “working smarter, not harder“.

Should it be that we are unable to handle our differences within this movement with more direction and less immaturity,  we will be forced to leave these problems to our children - admitting we were incapable of solving the problems we have spent so much time and effort on. Here is the story we will tell them.

For those of you who still have doubts,  go to to see over 30 magazine and research articles from major newspapers lending additional support for these views.


                                THE OFFICIAL VERDICT IS IN.



Yes, we are all guilty of not doing enough and not embracing changes that could benefit the animals.

Co-authored by Randy Warner and Mary Ultz, Humane Educator City of Huntsville

 To answer the question, I would say an emphatic YES!! There is no other group of people who devote more time, effort, compassion or personal finances into a job or hobby than do most rescuers.  But, educating just one family at a time, as opposed to 50 families at a time is obviously not as productive.  And lets face it.  Trying to convince an adult to change their ways of handling and caring for their pets is about as successful as convincing your spouse you are ‘right’ during an argument.

Rescuers are concerned with education, they just don’t know it.  

Should Rescuers be considered humane educators as well?

They ARE! Sometimes they just don’t know it. They speak from the front lines of the dog and cat rescue battles. Rescuers have the most, as well as the best, information regarding pets and their unique stories, along with the reasons why....

 Rescue is a passion-driven field.  Logic and business sense are frequently put on hold because some little angel needs some extra care today. I mean, it's not like your profit margins are going to be factored by investors on Monday, right?

Now, I'm quite sure that accomplishing an education effort takes different strategies than what most of the public assumes, but I believe it can be done. Not everyone will agree, not everyone will wish to participate, but at the very least, nearly everyone can read this and think about it.

 From 1985 ‘til now I’ve done rescue primarily for Dalmatians—and others when needed.  I know how difficult it is, how expensive it is, to what extent you can be drawn into an effort that never seems to end.                                   

It's the ''never seems to end'' part that I want to ask YOU about. I'm addressing this to all those who devote their valuable and wonderful time and assets toward saving dogs' lives, the rescuer.  I have a challenge for you…

 I’d like to suggest that you give 20% of your time, efforts and money to getting a strong and substantial humane education program into your area schools.  I do not mean to infer that your present efforts are not necessary or important.  I know it is crucial to so many animals’ lives to continue what you’re doing.

 But, that being said, if you ONLY do rescue, you are simply making it easier for those who are borderline about keeping their pets, and you are also assuring that your children’s generation and your grandchildren’s generation will be forced to do the same level of rescue as you do now.  You must do everything you can to educate this younger group of people before they head down the very same path as their parents.

Each and every one of you has the knowledge, experience, compassion and everything else needed to make a HUGE difference in the next generation!!! You can't do it by saying  "I don't have time" or offering other excuses.  Spending 100% of your available time rescuing simply puts all future dogs in jeopardy, because you did NOT do enough to resolve the underlying problems for the future.  You will continue to clean up the mess after yesterday’s parade. I would hope that you would rather see the front of the horse once in a while.

 If you are willing to work toward this momentous effort, I don’t want you to be overwhelmed.  Try 5% per year for humane education over the next five years and increase accordingly.  Some of you are not comfortable as public speakers.  If that is the case, consider recruiting a friend or neighbor who supports your efforts and wants to do more.  Many schools (even in this economy) have ''speaker'' funds and will write you a check for $100 as you leave. You could bring in as much as $500/week for 5 hours’ work.  We all know how helpful money is in our pocket.  Why not earn money for our rescue endeavors while we spread the message to make rescue unnecessary?  As a rescuer, you can send information to schools of your choice and follow up to see which class got that information.

 What if you spent only one hour a weekend handing out information to the public?  Minimal cost for copies, countless contacts to pet owners!

 If you have a website, place some information there as well. One more link about the overpopulation and how people can help end it will not take too much effort, but will save lives in the end!  Everything I have on my site is for public use. The more people that check out my site, the more their awareness and information levels increase, thus they act more responsibly. If you don’t have the time for another page, PUT A LINK TO MY PAGE ON YOUR PAGE! Everything on my site will resound loudly in the ears of anyone who has helped with rescue and listening to the idiots make up excuses for these poor innocent pets.

 Some principals tell me that I’m not needed at their school, because most of their students already have pets.  WELL, A BIG STUPID DUH TO THEM!!  But once I’m invited into a school, you would not believe the impact that my 45-minute program has on these young minds.  I take all five of my dogs: 2 dals, (one deaf) a coyote, a pit bull and a beagle-basset mix. My presentation is blunt, direct, fun, AND VERY INFORMATIVE.  I barely mention what they think they'll hear. When we depart, each face looks so much different from when we first arrived. It’s amazing.  The kids are motivated to form a humane education club or at least take on a year long project to accomplish something to help animals.  Amazingly, teachers and staff tell me how much even they learned and then thank me.

  You need to be well versed in supportive information to check all claims, suggestions and rules enforced in contracts. I'll bet every rescuer out there knows exactly what I'm talking about.

 I just hope that some of you see that we all have room for growth, change and expansion of our duties.  If we are creative, we can accomplish so much more.  If only 20% of the rescuers who read this decide to do SOMETHING, that would be over a thousand people.  Now, a thousand people visiting schools just 3 times a year is 3,000 MORE classrooms visited.  3,000 classrooms this year with 40 students each is 120,000 EDUCATED youth who will not likely need to services of rescuers or animal control agencies except for adoptions. Then, I've surpassed my goal considerably!!
For all those who say  'we can't' for whatever reason, would you rather be part of the Rescue
Janitorial staff than the Engineering or Research Departments who will be a vital part of the solution?
When you pass on, can you guarantee that someone similar will step into your shoes and take over with the same fervor and compassion to save the dogs of tomorrow?? Wouldn't you like to try and save some of them NOW while you can?  With every good presentation you give, you are likely to save 10-50 dogs depending on the number of ears listening. And it only takes an hour and maybe $15.  (gas, 50 copies and lunch at McDonalds on the way home)


 I would love nothing more than NOT to do rescue because it is not necessary.  Until then, I will continue along my path of education for solution.   I choose to be pro-active to end overpopulation, not just re-active to current demands.

We also welcome any and all creative and successful projects you may be aware of to put on the site and share with others.


 I would love nothing more than NOT to do rescue because it is not necessary.  Until then, I will continue along my path of education for solution.  I choose to be pro-active to end overpopulation, not just re-active to current demands.

 “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.”

Edward Everett Hale, 1794 –1865, American Orator and Statesman

Anyone interested in gaining materials for humane education, strategies for gaining access to schools (which will become the most challenging part of this) topics to discuss, whether to bring dogs along, etc. can email  You will be provided with any and all information we can offer to get your questions answered and help you successfully present these points and reach your goals.  No charge for any service.

We also welcome any and all creative and successful projects you may be aware of to put on the site and share with others.






This was written by one who happens to view these problems in the same manner as do many large national corporate executives who refuse to involve themselves wtih rescue organizations or to be more helpful in their efforts.

I am saddened to see a disturbing trend that   Animal Rescue people around
the country can become entrenched in the political and personality
conflicts that seems to defeat the whole purpose of rescuing those more
defenseless then ourselves. I'm sure this is nothing new, however it's
something that NEEDs to become extinct.
It appears to me that by the very nature of the work we do, trying to
save as many animals as we can, we can become lost in the concept that
ONLY *I* can do the job right. Instead of noting how much someone IS
doing we feel the need to point out the things that they aren't doing, or
that we might do differently. Unfortunately that is the very disease that
corrupts the foundation of Animal Rescue. It is easy to become so focused
on the bad things that we see, we forget about the good things we see.
This continuous negativity, can strangle the roots of any rescue
organization and cause irreparable damage. When time and energy is spent
focusing on personality conflicts and intolerance of other methods that
might not exactly match our own, it takes that much time and energy away
from the business of saving animals.
In a perfect world all VOLUNTEERS would have 28 hours a day to dedicate
to the animal rescue work that they do. Everyone would agree on training
methods, care protocols, and placement standards. Each foster would have
enough room to house all their foster animals in a home atmosphere
instead of a kennel, the rescue organization would have enough money to
furnish the best food, treats, and absolute maximum suggested veterinary
care available.
But alas, this is not a perfect world. Rescue VOLUNTEERS juggle jobs,
family, their own pets, medical issues, personal problems, AND their
volunteer work. Standards shift, beliefs and ideals may clash with
others, but I choose to believe that each VOLUNTEER is doing everything
THEY believe they can to help the organization. And I haven't walked in
their shoes. I don't know what bills they can and cannot pay, at fights
they may be having with family and friends. I don't know how many hours
they already dedicate to Rescue so I shouldn't judge what they do give.
Today as I sit at work, dealing with the reality of two fatal accidents,
and juggle Animal Rescue calls about various issues, this whole struggle
sinks home. On one hand I am struggling with the concept that two people
will not go home today. Their families will never have the opportunity to
spend time with them again. EVER. The good that these people might have
done in their communities in the future has now been lost. And I wonder
about what would be said if one of those people had been me, or any other
Animal Rescue volunteer.
Would I be appreciated for the things I had done, the accomplishments I
had achieved, for the effort I made, or would I be criticized for my
methods, judged by all that was left to be done?
In this electronic, fast past, hectic world I believe we have at times
lost sight of the very foundation of "good will to man". We have
forgotten, or don't have time to remember, that, caring, compassion, and
kindness are the very foundations of what Animal Rescues are based on.
So the next time we are prone to criticizes someone else's job, point out
their flaws or faults, discourage someone else's efforts because their
methods don't match ours we need to stop. We need to consider their
efforts. We need to praise and acknowledge the good they ARE doing. If we
want to save animals we have to save ourselves from each other first.
Otherwise we lose the very people who are willing and able to help us
accomplish our goals. We need to stop jumping to conclusions and
attacking each other before we discover the facts and consider all
options and beliefs.
Our methods may be different, our standards may not be identical, but our
goals are the same. Words can hurt, they do cause pain, they can scar,
and they can cause retreat, flight, and failure. Or they can cause hope,
they can cause accomplishments, they can cause change and success. We
decide which by our actions, our tolerance, and our understanding. Are we
going to work to our maximum potential or are we going to get lost in the
struggles of politics and egos? And who suffers the most when we are
Some thoughts to ponder.
A Concerned Rescuer in America


  Y O U . . .

Have The Key To Make Any and All Changes Necessary To Help The Animals !!
People just do not realize the potential we have by giving just a bit of our day to doing something different in lieu of the same or related thing.  It actually opens up various avenues that leads to the same goals. Some of these newly discovered venues will be noticeable improvements from the road taken by everyone else.   We just have to be open to change, smart enough to recognize when change is necessary and determined enough to make a few of these changes in spite of the conflicts from others.   Ignoring these new avenues is the simple largest factor in the animal movement not moving forward in a more productive manner.

I find the today that the politicians do not look at things the way we do.  Even one of the county commissioners in Champaign County, Ohio, told me straight up "we do not have time for animal problems - we have human problems which are more important.  At least that is all we hear from our constituents.     I hear that from my working partners in politics all around the nation as well.  Because the animal people are so busy working on today's animals which stem from yesterday's problems, they don't take the time to recognize that it is actually tomorrow that can and will make the changes that everyone really wants." It's not through the large animal organizations that anything of any measurable amount can be achieved. I believe that has been proven substantially over the decades.. With the ever growing number of communities across the nation who are killing 80% of the animals that come into the city or county run pounds, how many of them have actually been approached by one of the larger animal orgs offering guidelines or financial assistance to make the necessary changes in local laws, implementing a humane education program or changing the elected officials to garner the necessary support required for these plans to work?

Politicians forget who out they in office - the people - and the people have concerns (when they learn about them) in which they are interested.  They really do listen to the voters - it is, afterall, how they secure re election votes.  If enough people around the nation had suddenly begun to believe that the color red has negative properties and that blue was the better alternative, you better bet your last dollar that any and every candidate across this nation would be seen with blue in their outfit - completely void of any red.

Politicians need to be educated as well. They are always looking for ways to save money.  So, it's up to us to show them the facts. In New Hampshire, a statewide program cut the cost of neutering pets to $10 for poor residents. The state saved $3 in animal control costs for every $1 spent on the program. And it saved animals' lives. Over an eight-year period between 1993 and 2001, the state recorded a nearly 75 percent drop in the number of dogs and cats killed.  Cities that manage to stem their animal kill rates don't stop with sterilization. They often pair those services with extensive public education. Those efforts let the public know the size of the problem and what happens to thousands of unwanted pets every year. Cities have taken out billboards, allowed euthanasias to be recorded and shown by news media, and walked shelter dogs wearing the dates they'll be killed if they aren't adopted.

2004 is an election year.  The question I hear most is "are you pro life or pro choice?"  This is a good question for people running for national office, our U.S. Senates and U.S. Congressman.  It has nothing to do with state, county and local government.  Why are we not asking the state, county and local politicians if they are in favor of humane education in our schools and if they favor adoption programs as opposed to  euthanasia of animals?.  These are issues that state, county and local politicians have say over.  Clearly, if these two topics were hammered into their heads now, they would appear in their platforms for election campaigns later on.  "We don't think we need to shock the community by showing them 50 dead animals," The city of Charlotte, then took on a more gentle approach and it was a downright pure undeniable failure. $4 million a year to catch, house and kill animals, it has done little to address the cause of the problem. When a local group convinced one of the network TV stations to air live euthanasia during their eve news each night for a full week, the message was clear and they experienced a drastic decrease of 50% in the following weeks that continued until a new program could be implemented.

Elected officials do everything in their power not to upset any voter or offend any one of their constituents.  It may cost them votes.  So, it will become very clear as to which ones are actually 'on board' with saving the animals by their actions.

Clearly stated by a county commissioner in Mohave County Arizona, if everyone in rescue and/or animal rights would ask these questions of their local politicians, we would change the face of local government.  Clearly, there are   millions and millions of people  involved in rescue and rights across the nation.  If we all voted for candidates who are in tune with our issues, we could change the face of local government.   His brother is in government in another state as well as his brother in law.   They would both tell everyone the same thing.

People do not realize the power that is within their grasp.  This is what I think would do more that anything else. If the animal people would just simply assert themselves to the elected officials and state two things clearly, not only would they have a say in the government's decisions since the politicians want to be re-elected, they would actually see those changes come about.  They (the animal people ) would actually have more of a voice in the government than any lobbying effort known today - including the NRA and others combined.

The two things would be to enforce and clean up existing animal protection laws and the implementation of a mandatory humane education curriculum in our schools.   There is no other way to start the ball rolling.  If the next generation grows up with the same ignorance that this generation has grown up with, then not only are rescuers going to be facing the same level of unwanted animals in the shelters around the nation and on the streets, they will likely be facing even more since the population is growing.

Example:  From 1992 to 2002,  Americans spent over $20billion on animal protection related taxes and donations to various organizations to protect and solve. We are talking about millions and millions of people involved here.  How much can you honestly point to on a nationwide scale that is a noticeable change resulting from these tremendous figures?   Reason?  Each effort is singular in nature,  non communicative of other efforts, many times duplicated in corruptive overlaps and many times this combination simply fails to fill in the gaps that would make these efforts more cohesive and successful.

Cities and counties which have seen successful results and saved tax-payers dollars as well have all implemented the following programs:

* Increase sterilizations and public education, especially in low-income areas.
• Increase the number of animals adopted from the shelter.
• Embed microchips in animals who leave the shelter so, if they're picked up as strays, the owners can be identified.
• Trap and neuter feral cats.
• Help pet owners train their adopted animals so they don't develop behavioral problems and get returned to the shelter.

Once we elect governments in tune with the issues, we can confront them and educate them that spending millions of dollars in shelter contract and euthanasia projects is money should be use for public education and no-kill shelter facilities.  Maybe a little expensive at first but will pay for itself in the near future.

Example Clark County, Nevada is spending 1.2 million a year to run the current shelter.   The new contact for 2005 (20 year contract) is 1.6 million per year.  Multiply that by every shelter or pound in this  nation.  Yes, some have smaller budgets but the major cities are spending a lot more just to kill the animals.  2002 the city of Las Vegas and Clark County euthanized 24,500 animals.  This county has no humane education in the schools at any level.  So they will always be facing this same problem.   This county also has no plan to attempt to adopt out more dogs and cats through programs that other cities have successfully implemented, so they are not operating anything less than a facility to kill animals. Clark County is Las Vegas. To spend this amount of funding on nothing more than killing animals is an unconscionable waste of life and a needless drain on public money." Not one of the animal orgs came forward with an offer to help or any real life suggestions. They are all worried about yesterday's problems today and securing funding to stay afloat.

Local and national projects of educating the children is very important.  Neither of these ideas takes money.  They only take communication and persistence to educate those who can and will make these issues  become laws that are sensible and enforceable.  These ideas then become law at the voting booth. Plain and simple.